The Final Review

Posted: October 7, 2015 in Product Reviews

Well, the old saying goes that all good things must come to an end.  After nearly three years, this is not the end I expected, but the circumstances are still favorable.  Full-time obligations have now reached the point that I can no longer continue Texas Gun Show Review.  That’s actually not such a bad position 🙂

The following products were in the review queue (products tested and review outline written, but not published).  Instead of publishing the full reviews, I’m going to list each product along with a couple comments and a rating on a 1-10 scale.

US Armor Enforcer 6000 Level IIIA vest – with Outlast fabric and custom-designed for my measurements, it’s the most comfortable vest I’ve ever worn.  9.5

Rand Bore and Bolt Cleaner – Rand CLP was mostly a lube and a good one at that. Now, they have an environmentally friendly cleaning product that is truly a ‘cleaner.’  9.0

Glock 30S – Good conceal-carry option and I like the presentation of the firearm with the G30 slide.  It’s still a Glock, though, so count on replacing the trigger and sights.  8.5

Zev Fulcrum Trigger – Great out of the box and once installed in my G30S, it raises that product’s rating to 9.0.

Precision One Ammo – I’ve shot 750 rounds of their 10mm 180 gr. FMJ.  Good price, great ammo.  Very consistent.  9.5.

I still hang out occasionally at Fusion Tactical Range and am now a member at TDSA.  Maybe I’ll see you on the range some time.  Good luck to everyone.